Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Road Trip - Day 1

 I finished packing up the car early in the morning, said goodbye to my amazing parents, took pictures :), and grabbed some snacks before leaving Tooele.

Here is proof that my car was pretty packed

I didn't take a picture of the inside of the trunk, it was pretty packed as well.
Met Kellie in Salt Lake to say goodbye and to give her the garage door opener, that I forget was still in my car.

Our first stop was in Evanston, WY.  We stopped almost every 2 hrs to switch drivers to help us stay sane.
One thing about Wyoming is that they are crazy about fireworks.  We saw so many signs and vendors advertising.  This is one of them "Pyro City"
Wind Turbines?  I think that is what these are called.  One of the only things that you will see out your window when driving through Wyoming.

Except for maybe this one mountain/rock

Or this random truck, isn't living in a democracy great?

 The sky was beautiful
 and we couldn't get enough of the turbines
 I couldn't get enough of Andrew's cheap 80's looking sunglasses.  Fluorescent green....ya baby
 We finally made it to Nebraska.  I think that somehow we missed the state sign (one of a few that we missed getting a picture of).  But we unknowingly stopped in the town that is the National Headquarters of Cabela's.  :)

 Cabela's is like a candy storm/theme park for those who love the outdoors, most specifically hunting, fishing, etc.

It was a long day of driving.  I think we drove around 10 hrs the first day.
You can tell that Andrew is pretty excited about driving right?

This picture is super small, but we were pretty excited when we arrived at Ogallala that evening.  

Day 1 was a success.  We didn't break down or have anything stolen.  Those two things were my biggest fears on this road trip.  :)  Just three more days to go!