This one might be my favorite.
"We have a great deal more kindness than is ever spoken. Maugre all the selfishness that chills like east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether. How many persons we meet in house, whom we scarcely speak to, whom yet we honor, and who honor us! How many we see in the street, or sit with in church, whom, though silently, we warmly rejoice to be with! Read the language of these wandering eye-beams. The heart knoweth"
A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs,
The world uncertain comes and goes,
the lover rooted stays.
I fancied he was fled,
And, after many a year,
Glowed unexhausted kindliness
Like daily sunrise there.
My careful heart was free again,
O friend, my bosom said,
Through thee alone the sky is arched,
Through thee the rose is red,
All things through thee take nobler form,
And look beyond the earth,
And is the mill-round of our fate
A sun-path in the worth.
Me too thy nobleness has taught
To master my despair;
The fountains of my hidden life
Are through the friendship fair.
The daily fight is real - anxiety is real. How I have learned that I struggle with stress and anxiety daily and how I am fighting it.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Ralph Waldo Emerson-History
I am working on finishing Self-Reliance and Other Essays. This is not a quick read but it has a lot of good stuff.
I will probably post little pieces here and there to give you a glimpse of his work.
"Broader and deeper we must write our annal, --from an ethical reformation, from an influx of the ever new, ever sanative conscience, --if we would trulier express our central and wide-related nature, instead of this old chronology of selfishness and pride to which we have too long lent our eyes. Already that day exists for us, shines in on us at unawares, but the path of science and of letters is not the way into nature. The idiot, the Indian, the child, and unschooled farmer's boy, stand nearer to the light by which nature is to be read, than the dissector or the antiquary"
I will probably post little pieces here and there to give you a glimpse of his work.
"Broader and deeper we must write our annal, --from an ethical reformation, from an influx of the ever new, ever sanative conscience, --if we would trulier express our central and wide-related nature, instead of this old chronology of selfishness and pride to which we have too long lent our eyes. Already that day exists for us, shines in on us at unawares, but the path of science and of letters is not the way into nature. The idiot, the Indian, the child, and unschooled farmer's boy, stand nearer to the light by which nature is to be read, than the dissector or the antiquary"
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
My life is simple yet profound
Within my soul love abounds
Is this my place so small and kind?
Where thoughts and dreams are intertwined
How do you find that treasure sweet?
When all you taste is incomplete
My wish for you when feeling blue
Is that you always remain true
Despite your fears and questioning
Somewhere find awakening
Then you'll see as I have to
What is best and right for you
Friday, September 23, 2011
Shopping at Harmon's

Have you ever tried a Larabar??
I bought some from Costco a few months ago to see if I liked them. I bought them in a pack of course, which consisted of Peanut Butter Cookie, Apple Pie, and Cherry Pie. These probably sound like a sweet unhealthy treat. They are actually naturally sweet and I bought them because it is nice to have something nutritious to grab on the run.
When I was at Harmon's the other night I saw that they had a ton of other flavors there which made me pretty excited! Pecan Pie, Lemon Bar...I bought a few other flavors but I can't remember what they are off the top of my head. :) And the best part is that they only have 5 ingredients...Some type of nuts, fruit, dates, and something else. Pretty healthy. I tasted the Lemon Bar and it is amazing.
Also, while I was shopping for other produce I noticed the song that was playing on the radio. Snow Patrol :) Not only do they have good food (particularly their produce) but they play good music as well.
I think I am becoming more of a fan of Harmon's...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I had a hard time falling asleep last night, which is weird. I usually fall asleep really quickly. Sometimes, when I can't fall asleep I glance at the news feed on facebook from my phone. I did this last night and saw that one of my good friends from High School was just diagnosed with something that most likely is lymphoma. She has always been a very strong Christian and has strong faith. Her perspective and faith during this very recent trial amazes me. I keep finding things this morning that are making me think of her.
One of them is this talk from last conference.
I am praying for her and hoping that I can be a good friend to her during this struggle and find some way to help remind her that God is mindful of her.
One of them is this talk from last conference.
I am praying for her and hoping that I can be a good friend to her during this struggle and find some way to help remind her that God is mindful of her.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I was riding Trax home last night and the girl that sat next to me was reading the Ensign. She was actually reading the exact same article that I was going to read next. I was in the middle of reading the book "Specials" and had the Ensign in my bag. I felt like maybe I should read my Ensign instead. I didn't pull it out because I was pretty in to my book and I had studied my scriptures earlier. But I was grateful for this girl and her desire to read the Ensign. It was a good example for me and also made me aware that there are a lot of people out there who are trying to live the principles of the gospel and to stay close to Christ. It made me want to be better.
I read the Ensign this morning, and then decided that I wanted to watch or listen to something on I chose to listen to last April's highlights from conference. I love conference time and sometimes wish it was every weekend.
The funny thing is that I realized as I was thinking this, that it can be conference every day. I just need to choose to listen to or study a talk :) I love the power of the spirit that I feel when I hear the prophet and the apostles speak. These highlights are good.
Enjoy :)
I read the Ensign this morning, and then decided that I wanted to watch or listen to something on I chose to listen to last April's highlights from conference. I love conference time and sometimes wish it was every weekend.
The funny thing is that I realized as I was thinking this, that it can be conference every day. I just need to choose to listen to or study a talk :) I love the power of the spirit that I feel when I hear the prophet and the apostles speak. These highlights are good.
Enjoy :)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Cooking Class

Last night I went to a cooking class and the Viking Cooking School. It is a Culinary school just off of 2100 S and 300 E in Salt Lake. My friend Azure told me about the class and we both decided to go because it cost $20 instead of the regular $80. :)

As you can see, this school is beautiful and their kitchens are amazing. I became super excited as soon as I walked in the doors.

There were about 20 people that signed up for the class and we were given 5 recipes to prepare. I wasn't sure what to expect from the class but I started having memories of my Culinary class in college come back to mind. I initially thought we would each have to make all 5 recipes and then the teacher would come and grade what we made.
That was not the case. This was much more low key. We split in to groups of 3-4 and each group worked on one recipe. Our group made the Roasted Corn with Manchego and Lime. You can see the picture of it below. It was pretty easy to make because the teacher roasted the corn for us before we got there.

I remembered how much I like to cook during this class. Especially when you have all the ingredients that you need, a fantastic recipe, and an amazing kitchen. All of these things make the cooking experience much more enjoyable. I had a moment last night where I had wished that I hadn't sold my Culinary text book back. I was wanting to remember all of the terminology and also to have the recipes that were in that book.
The best part of the class was that we got to taste everything that was made. The picture probably does not do the meal justice. It was amazingly good. Not kidding. It is so good that I think we are going to make all of these things for Sunday dinner :)
The meal consisted of Zucchini & Summer Squash Gratin with Caramelized Onions, Pasta with Pesto Sauce and a Basic Basil Pesto (which we used walnuts instead of pine nuts), Roasted Corn with Manchego and Lime, and s Skillet Pancake with Peaches. (This is no regular pancake!)
The class had a fall produce theme to help people use what they grew in their garden over the summer. :)
Seriously, love the food and the class.

Thanks to Azure for finding out about this class and inviting me! :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Great Perspective
I spent this weekend out in Tooele with my family. It was so much fun. I probably did not accomplish what I should have(finishing my resume), but I had so much fun. I got to see Jake for an entire day, went to the gym with mom and dad, saw the garden, watched a movie, mowed the lawn, played with the stinky dogs... :) It was fantastic.
While I was there, mom and I were talking and somehow the topic reminded her of an article that she saw in the LDSLiving magazine. It is about an African American man who joined the church in 1980. He joined the church 2 weeks after meeting the missionaries and later became the first African American to be accepted to the J. Reuben Clark Law School. His faith and accomplishments are pretty impressive. What impressed me the most though was his perspective.
The article talks about race and the restriction of the priesthood and temple ordinances to African Americans prior to 1978. I know that this has been a topic that is difficult to understand, but Keith Hamilton did some soul searching of his own which is enlightening. Here are a few of my favorite excerpts from the article.
"It was as a newly called bishop that I first learned of many of the rationales and myths put forth by LDS commentators and others regarding the Church’s historical relationship with blacks—namely its pre-1978 ban against black males receiving the priesthood and all blacks receiving the exalting ordinances available in the temple.
One time, two white, middle-aged sisters in the ward came to me with serious concern about the ways they perceived blacks had been treated by the Church. In an attempt to address their concerns, I researched the issues as best I could, which led me to an abundance of information. Some of it defended the Church, while other things I read severely criticized the Church and its leaders.
Over the years I gathered more and more information, and as I digested and pondered what I read, I often felt a spiritual emptiness or outright offensiveness to my spirit. Scripture study, more ponderings, and intense personal prayer led me to conclude that most of the commentary on both sides of the issue centered around a historical perspective or view toward the issues, which focused on how God’s children treated each other, or on what one of His children had said regarding the issue. It occurred to me that this approach might not be the more excellent way, particularly regarding the priesthood ban, since the priesthood is God’s, not man’s. I felt prompted to consider looking at the ban, and the lifting of the ban in 1978, from the perspective of how God has dealt and continues to deal with His children generally, and in particular, how He had apportioned the “right” of the priesthood in dispensations
prior to our current one.
This provided me the foundation of true principles, which have developed into a sure testimony that allows me to distinguish, through the workings of the Holy Ghost, truth from error and fact from folklore. It has also permitted me the ability to recognize the sublime yet tremendous impact the 1978 revelation on priesthood had on the Church and on all God’s children, black or non-black, LDS or otherwise.
In order to qualify to return to our Heavenly Father’s presence after our mortal probation, every person must pass through the trials and tribulations of this life. So, too, it is and was for many nations or groups of peoples. The scriptures are replete with evidences that, at times, the Lord’s people must pass through severe hardship, due to no fault of their own, in order to serve as instruments in demonstration to others of His love, mercy, compassion, power, and divinity. Should it have been, or be, any different for blacks of this dispensation?"
"I do not know when or why the restrictive practices against my people were adopted and carried out by the LDS Church, but I do know that the policy and practices were the Lord’s doing and not the autonomous or unilateral act of any man or men. I know this by faith in God and through personal revelation from the Holy Ghost. According to God’s wise and just purposes, He allowed the restrictions to be placed upon my people for the trial, growth, and benefit of all His children, especially my people and those of His church and kingdom on earth.
Adversity, through its many forms and faces, has dug a deep well of sorrow—and thereby created the potential for greater joy—in the lives of many peoples, not just blacks of this dispensation. Early LDS Church members suffered great hardship in establishing the Church in the Eastern states, as did the pioneers who crossed the plains into the Rocky Mountains. Twentieth-century Jews experienced horrendous atrocities during the Holocaust. Trials and adversity have been the lot for all of God’s peoples in all dispensations, including this dispensation, and my ancestors and I have not been excluded."
"The Gift of Being Black
For many years I had the good fortune to be associated with a play about the life and times of black Mormon pioneer Jane Manning James, entitled I Am Jane, which contains a poignant scene where Jane is speaking with Elijah Abel, a black convert ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Jane asks Elijah to give her a straight answer about what she has heard preached by some Latter-day Saints concerning the curse of Cain and black skin. Elijah replies that he once took the question to God, and then shares with Jane his perception of God’s response. I close this article with my sincere prayer that Elijah’s words will bring each reader the same comfort and counsel they do me:
I feel, Sister Jane, that ours is:
Not a curse but a gift t’us,
The best path we could seek
A place where God can lift us
We kneel; our knees is weak
And when one of us is kneelin’,
We understand his fears.
We know what all us is feelin’
We cry each other’s tears.
That’s just what Jesus done
For all us human folk.
He agreed to come get born
To feel ev’ry pain and poke.
So’s he could understand us,
What it is to be a slave.
So’s he could get beneath us
And push us outa the grave
Would you rather be the massa
Or the Roman with his whip?
Would you rather nail the Savior—
Put vinegar to his lip?
Or learn the lessons of sufferin’—
How we nothin’ without grace.
Jesus, He give us a callin’
He gifted us our race."
Also here is a link to a podcast "Why I believe" featuring Keith Hamilton
While I was there, mom and I were talking and somehow the topic reminded her of an article that she saw in the LDSLiving magazine. It is about an African American man who joined the church in 1980. He joined the church 2 weeks after meeting the missionaries and later became the first African American to be accepted to the J. Reuben Clark Law School. His faith and accomplishments are pretty impressive. What impressed me the most though was his perspective.
The article talks about race and the restriction of the priesthood and temple ordinances to African Americans prior to 1978. I know that this has been a topic that is difficult to understand, but Keith Hamilton did some soul searching of his own which is enlightening. Here are a few of my favorite excerpts from the article.
"It was as a newly called bishop that I first learned of many of the rationales and myths put forth by LDS commentators and others regarding the Church’s historical relationship with blacks—namely its pre-1978 ban against black males receiving the priesthood and all blacks receiving the exalting ordinances available in the temple.
One time, two white, middle-aged sisters in the ward came to me with serious concern about the ways they perceived blacks had been treated by the Church. In an attempt to address their concerns, I researched the issues as best I could, which led me to an abundance of information. Some of it defended the Church, while other things I read severely criticized the Church and its leaders.
Over the years I gathered more and more information, and as I digested and pondered what I read, I often felt a spiritual emptiness or outright offensiveness to my spirit. Scripture study, more ponderings, and intense personal prayer led me to conclude that most of the commentary on both sides of the issue centered around a historical perspective or view toward the issues, which focused on how God’s children treated each other, or on what one of His children had said regarding the issue. It occurred to me that this approach might not be the more excellent way, particularly regarding the priesthood ban, since the priesthood is God’s, not man’s. I felt prompted to consider looking at the ban, and the lifting of the ban in 1978, from the perspective of how God has dealt and continues to deal with His children generally, and in particular, how He had apportioned the “right” of the priesthood in dispensations
prior to our current one.
This provided me the foundation of true principles, which have developed into a sure testimony that allows me to distinguish, through the workings of the Holy Ghost, truth from error and fact from folklore. It has also permitted me the ability to recognize the sublime yet tremendous impact the 1978 revelation on priesthood had on the Church and on all God’s children, black or non-black, LDS or otherwise.
In order to qualify to return to our Heavenly Father’s presence after our mortal probation, every person must pass through the trials and tribulations of this life. So, too, it is and was for many nations or groups of peoples. The scriptures are replete with evidences that, at times, the Lord’s people must pass through severe hardship, due to no fault of their own, in order to serve as instruments in demonstration to others of His love, mercy, compassion, power, and divinity. Should it have been, or be, any different for blacks of this dispensation?"
"I do not know when or why the restrictive practices against my people were adopted and carried out by the LDS Church, but I do know that the policy and practices were the Lord’s doing and not the autonomous or unilateral act of any man or men. I know this by faith in God and through personal revelation from the Holy Ghost. According to God’s wise and just purposes, He allowed the restrictions to be placed upon my people for the trial, growth, and benefit of all His children, especially my people and those of His church and kingdom on earth.
Adversity, through its many forms and faces, has dug a deep well of sorrow—and thereby created the potential for greater joy—in the lives of many peoples, not just blacks of this dispensation. Early LDS Church members suffered great hardship in establishing the Church in the Eastern states, as did the pioneers who crossed the plains into the Rocky Mountains. Twentieth-century Jews experienced horrendous atrocities during the Holocaust. Trials and adversity have been the lot for all of God’s peoples in all dispensations, including this dispensation, and my ancestors and I have not been excluded."
"The Gift of Being Black
For many years I had the good fortune to be associated with a play about the life and times of black Mormon pioneer Jane Manning James, entitled I Am Jane, which contains a poignant scene where Jane is speaking with Elijah Abel, a black convert ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Jane asks Elijah to give her a straight answer about what she has heard preached by some Latter-day Saints concerning the curse of Cain and black skin. Elijah replies that he once took the question to God, and then shares with Jane his perception of God’s response. I close this article with my sincere prayer that Elijah’s words will bring each reader the same comfort and counsel they do me:
I feel, Sister Jane, that ours is:
Not a curse but a gift t’us,
The best path we could seek
A place where God can lift us
We kneel; our knees is weak
And when one of us is kneelin’,
We understand his fears.
We know what all us is feelin’
We cry each other’s tears.
That’s just what Jesus done
For all us human folk.
He agreed to come get born
To feel ev’ry pain and poke.
So’s he could understand us,
What it is to be a slave.
So’s he could get beneath us
And push us outa the grave
Would you rather be the massa
Or the Roman with his whip?
Would you rather nail the Savior—
Put vinegar to his lip?
Or learn the lessons of sufferin’—
How we nothin’ without grace.
Jesus, He give us a callin’
He gifted us our race."
Also here is a link to a podcast "Why I believe" featuring Keith Hamilton
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I LOVE Quotes
Both are quotes of the day.
This one was on my google homepage.
"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."
Mahatma Gandhi
Quote of the Day
"Everybody needs somebody."
Mahalia Jackson
This one was on my google homepage.
"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."
Mahatma Gandhi
Quote of the Day
"Everybody needs somebody."
Mahalia Jackson
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Self Reliance
I haven't read anything by Ralph Waldo Emerson up to this point in my life, but something that was sent out at work inspired me to pick up his essay titled "Self-Reliance". He had quite a few good things to say. He writes in way that it somewhat philosophical so it takes a little more effort to process what he is trying to get across.

Here are a few things that I liked from his essay.
" Ne te quaesiveris extra"
(Do not seek for things outside of yourself"
"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance;that imitation is suicide;that he mus take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe if full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which reside in him is new in nature, and non but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing on face, one character, one fact, makes much impression o him, and another non. this sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.
Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minor and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."
"Virtues are, in the popular estimate, rather the exception than the rule. There is the man and his virtues. Men do what is called a good action, as some piece of courage or charity, much as they would pay a fine in expiation of daily non-appearance on parade. Their works are done as an apology or extenuation of their living in the world,- as invalids and the insane pay a high board. Their virtues are penances. I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding. I ask primary evidence that you are a man, and refuse this appeal from the man to his actions. I know that for myself it makes no difference whether I do or forbear those actions which are reckoned excellent. I cannot consent to pay for a privilege where I have intrinsic right. Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony.
What I must do is all the concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the worlds opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
This is just a sample, but I am looking forward to reading more of his works.
Also the quote of the day is one of his.
Quote of the Day
The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here are a few things that I liked from his essay.
" Ne te quaesiveris extra"
(Do not seek for things outside of yourself"
"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance;that imitation is suicide;that he mus take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe if full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which reside in him is new in nature, and non but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing on face, one character, one fact, makes much impression o him, and another non. this sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.
Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minor and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."
"Virtues are, in the popular estimate, rather the exception than the rule. There is the man and his virtues. Men do what is called a good action, as some piece of courage or charity, much as they would pay a fine in expiation of daily non-appearance on parade. Their works are done as an apology or extenuation of their living in the world,- as invalids and the insane pay a high board. Their virtues are penances. I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding. I ask primary evidence that you are a man, and refuse this appeal from the man to his actions. I know that for myself it makes no difference whether I do or forbear those actions which are reckoned excellent. I cannot consent to pay for a privilege where I have intrinsic right. Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony.
What I must do is all the concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the worlds opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
This is just a sample, but I am looking forward to reading more of his works.
Also the quote of the day is one of his.
Quote of the Day
The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, September 12, 2011
Spiritual Vertigo
I honestly cannot get enough of lately. There are so many good things on there. I have started using the study journal :) And I just found the string of Youth Videos this morning. I don't care that they are geared for the youth, I like them.
Here is one that I just watched.
Within Bounds is also very good.
p.s. I also went to the CES fireside last night where Elder Oaks and his wife spoke. It too was very good. It is posted on as well.
Here is one that I just watched.
Within Bounds is also very good.
p.s. I also went to the CES fireside last night where Elder Oaks and his wife spoke. It too was very good. It is posted on as well.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Beneath the surface
Sometimes I feel like I am a teenager and this post might explain why.
I recently finished a book titled "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld. It is YA Fiction, a fun and quick read, but I felt it had a good underlying message. The book is about a city where everyone is told that when they turn 16 they will have an operation that will make them pretty. Up until that time they are considered ugly because they do not have perfect body shapes, perfect faces, hair, etc.
So, when the kids turn 16 they prepare to have this operation, pick out what they want themselves to look like (out of the options that they have) and then get the operation. Once they get their operation the live in New Pretty Town. All they do is go to parties, drink, and basically only care about superficial things. The book tells a story of a few Uglies who don't want to get the operation and run away. I finished this book in 3 days (by reading on Trax and on breaks at work) so it didn't take long. But I honestly can't wait to read the next book "Pretties".
It is just interesting to me that an author would write this book for teenagers. Hopefully they see the message that he is trying to send. I think it is very representative of the world and how it is so focused on outer beauty and not so much what is in the inside. Which also made me think of this song. This song is totally Jr. High and Disneyish, but it has a good message.
I recently finished a book titled "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld. It is YA Fiction, a fun and quick read, but I felt it had a good underlying message. The book is about a city where everyone is told that when they turn 16 they will have an operation that will make them pretty. Up until that time they are considered ugly because they do not have perfect body shapes, perfect faces, hair, etc.
So, when the kids turn 16 they prepare to have this operation, pick out what they want themselves to look like (out of the options that they have) and then get the operation. Once they get their operation the live in New Pretty Town. All they do is go to parties, drink, and basically only care about superficial things. The book tells a story of a few Uglies who don't want to get the operation and run away. I finished this book in 3 days (by reading on Trax and on breaks at work) so it didn't take long. But I honestly can't wait to read the next book "Pretties".
It is just interesting to me that an author would write this book for teenagers. Hopefully they see the message that he is trying to send. I think it is very representative of the world and how it is so focused on outer beauty and not so much what is in the inside. Which also made me think of this song. This song is totally Jr. High and Disneyish, but it has a good message.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Snow Patrol
A new song by Snow Patrol :) It's a good one
"Called Out In The Dark"
It's like we just can't help ourselves
'Cause we don't know how to back down
We were called out to the streets
We were called in to the towns
And how the heavens, they opened up
Like arms of dazzling gold
With our rain washed histories
Well they do not need to be told
Show me now, show me the arms aloft
Every eye trained on a different star
This magic
This drunken semaphore
And I
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
I was called out in the dark
By a choir of beautiful cheats
And as the kids took back the parks
You and I were left with the streets
Show me now, show me the arms aloft
Every eye trained on a different star
This magic
This drunken semaphore
And I
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
"Called Out In The Dark"
It's like we just can't help ourselves
'Cause we don't know how to back down
We were called out to the streets
We were called in to the towns
And how the heavens, they opened up
Like arms of dazzling gold
With our rain washed histories
Well they do not need to be told
Show me now, show me the arms aloft
Every eye trained on a different star
This magic
This drunken semaphore
And I
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
I was called out in the dark
By a choir of beautiful cheats
And as the kids took back the parks
You and I were left with the streets
Show me now, show me the arms aloft
Every eye trained on a different star
This magic
This drunken semaphore
And I
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
House of Learning
I checked this book out from the library a couple weeks ago and started to read it last night before I went to sleep.

I had glanced through it's pages and automatically assumed it was a fluffy, feel good type of book. I decided to give it a second try and actually read it. I found that it was simple but gave me some good ideas of how I can get more out of going to the temple. I typically go because I feel peace there and I know that I am doing service for others. But, I have never been one of those people that feels like they get a lot of answers.
First of all, I don't always go to the temple with a question in mind. Secondly, I focus more on how I feel than I do about paying attention, learning, and applying gospel principles while I am there. This book talked about how if you pay attention at the temple and look for the gospel principles that are taught that it does become a house of learning. Reading this gave me the desire to make my temple attendance more meaningful. I think I will probably start getting more out of it :)
This is a really quick read as well. I started it last night and finished this morning.

I had glanced through it's pages and automatically assumed it was a fluffy, feel good type of book. I decided to give it a second try and actually read it. I found that it was simple but gave me some good ideas of how I can get more out of going to the temple. I typically go because I feel peace there and I know that I am doing service for others. But, I have never been one of those people that feels like they get a lot of answers.
First of all, I don't always go to the temple with a question in mind. Secondly, I focus more on how I feel than I do about paying attention, learning, and applying gospel principles while I am there. This book talked about how if you pay attention at the temple and look for the gospel principles that are taught that it does become a house of learning. Reading this gave me the desire to make my temple attendance more meaningful. I think I will probably start getting more out of it :)
This is a really quick read as well. I started it last night and finished this morning.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Scripture that I read during fast and testimony meeting on Sunday
Doctrine & Covenants Section 136
31 My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion; and he that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom.
32 Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself and calling upon the Lord his God, that his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened that he may hear;
33 For my Spirit is sent forth into the world to enlighten the humble and contrite, and to the condemnation of the ungodly.
Quote from the Sunday church program
" The Lord doesn't expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn't (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can - that we work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Doctrine & Covenants Section 136
31 My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion; and he that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom.
32 Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself and calling upon the Lord his God, that his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened that he may hear;
33 For my Spirit is sent forth into the world to enlighten the humble and contrite, and to the condemnation of the ungodly.
Quote from the Sunday church program
" The Lord doesn't expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn't (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can - that we work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Sunday, September 4, 2011
I haven't blogged in a while because I was starting to feel like it was pointless and I was just throwing random thoughts out in to an oblivion. But, I feel a desire to take a different approach in my posts so I will continue to give it a shot.
Today was fast Sunday and I really wanted to make this fast meaningful, so I looked up fasting on and read a few articles. At times, I am not good at fasting mainly because I don't plan ahead. But, the principle if practiced promises to bring blessings, give you answers, and increase your spiritual strength. These are things that I feel are worth investing in. :)
So while reading an article titled Fasting with Power I found a few things that stood out to me.
1. To fast with a purpose
I have always tried to do this because if I don't it is just as if I am starving, which is pointless. Also, there a lot of good things to fast for and lives you can bless through fasting.
2. Fast for 24 hours or 2 meals.
I have fasted both ways and I believe it is personal preference. I did find something interesting in the above article, which led me to choose to fast for the full 24 hours. I found the end result of having an increased sensitivity to the Holy Ghost enticing.
"Fasting requires discipline. Fasting helps us accomplish one of the vital purposes of life: developing self-mastery.
King Benjamin referred to this self-mastery as overcoming the natural man. He taught that the natural man is an enemy to God, always has been, and ever will be. If we don’t overcome the natural man in this life and become “a saint through the atonement of Christ” (Mosiah 3:19), we will never live with our Father in Heaven again. Our physical bodies are created in such a way that we can have a spiritual victory over the natural man each time we properly fast.
“When a person starts a fast, biochemical adjustments begin in the bloodstream to compensate for the lack of food. A carbohydrate substance known as glycogen is released from storage areas in the liver and the muscles. The body uses glycogen as food to keep cells supplied with energy. After 24 hours this food source is used up, and another source of energy is needed.
“Dr. Siegfried Heyden of Duke University’s Department of Community and Family Medicine says when this happens, the body starts looking for other energy sources. ‘The first thing happening after a 24-hour fast is the breakdown of fat cells. And these fat cells, when they break down, produce ketone bodies, as they are called. And these ketone bodies seem to have an effect on our psyche in that they make us no longer hungry.’”1
After 24 hours without food or drink, the body (the natural man) submits to the spirit (the spiritual man). When the spiritual man is victorious, we experience greater sensitivity to the influence of the Holy Ghost."
3. To keep a Fasting Journal
This is another idea that I came across as I was reading about the topic of fasting last night. I decided to write down my specific purpose for fasting and to take notes throughout the day, when I gained insight or felt the spirit.
This was my first round at approaching fasting more seriously and it was a good experience. I didn't feel any lightening bolts or receive any visions, but I felt the spirit rejuvenate my soul and give me increased strength and hope. Also, I did notice that by the 24th hour my hunger was not as noticeable. This may be due to the fact that I was talking to my mom on the phone and so I was distracted. But, when I prayed to end my fast, I felt that I wanted to talk to Heavenly Father more and I felt more connected to him.
This experience leads me to want to do this again the next time that I fast. I thought since it was a meaningful experience for me that I would share :)
Today was fast Sunday and I really wanted to make this fast meaningful, so I looked up fasting on and read a few articles. At times, I am not good at fasting mainly because I don't plan ahead. But, the principle if practiced promises to bring blessings, give you answers, and increase your spiritual strength. These are things that I feel are worth investing in. :)
So while reading an article titled Fasting with Power I found a few things that stood out to me.
1. To fast with a purpose
I have always tried to do this because if I don't it is just as if I am starving, which is pointless. Also, there a lot of good things to fast for and lives you can bless through fasting.
2. Fast for 24 hours or 2 meals.
I have fasted both ways and I believe it is personal preference. I did find something interesting in the above article, which led me to choose to fast for the full 24 hours. I found the end result of having an increased sensitivity to the Holy Ghost enticing.
"Fasting requires discipline. Fasting helps us accomplish one of the vital purposes of life: developing self-mastery.
King Benjamin referred to this self-mastery as overcoming the natural man. He taught that the natural man is an enemy to God, always has been, and ever will be. If we don’t overcome the natural man in this life and become “a saint through the atonement of Christ” (Mosiah 3:19), we will never live with our Father in Heaven again. Our physical bodies are created in such a way that we can have a spiritual victory over the natural man each time we properly fast.
“When a person starts a fast, biochemical adjustments begin in the bloodstream to compensate for the lack of food. A carbohydrate substance known as glycogen is released from storage areas in the liver and the muscles. The body uses glycogen as food to keep cells supplied with energy. After 24 hours this food source is used up, and another source of energy is needed.
“Dr. Siegfried Heyden of Duke University’s Department of Community and Family Medicine says when this happens, the body starts looking for other energy sources. ‘The first thing happening after a 24-hour fast is the breakdown of fat cells. And these fat cells, when they break down, produce ketone bodies, as they are called. And these ketone bodies seem to have an effect on our psyche in that they make us no longer hungry.’”1
After 24 hours without food or drink, the body (the natural man) submits to the spirit (the spiritual man). When the spiritual man is victorious, we experience greater sensitivity to the influence of the Holy Ghost."
3. To keep a Fasting Journal
This is another idea that I came across as I was reading about the topic of fasting last night. I decided to write down my specific purpose for fasting and to take notes throughout the day, when I gained insight or felt the spirit.
This was my first round at approaching fasting more seriously and it was a good experience. I didn't feel any lightening bolts or receive any visions, but I felt the spirit rejuvenate my soul and give me increased strength and hope. Also, I did notice that by the 24th hour my hunger was not as noticeable. This may be due to the fact that I was talking to my mom on the phone and so I was distracted. But, when I prayed to end my fast, I felt that I wanted to talk to Heavenly Father more and I felt more connected to him.
This experience leads me to want to do this again the next time that I fast. I thought since it was a meaningful experience for me that I would share :)
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