You know how it goes right? Well, my roommate and I do. We both have a tendency to be interested in guys for maybe a day and then once they open their mouths it seems we automatically lose interest. But, once a year or so it seems we meet a guy that we just like! Crazy like!
Well this is what happened to us recently and leads me to comment on the phrase Hey Hey...
What does that phrase mean anyway?
My initial thought when I saw this as a title to a message that I received on face book was "Oh he thinks I am pretty and is flirting with me". Which I do think was accurate, since the Hey Hey had a little ;) on the end.
Well, after a few weeks of putting myself out there and responding to his flirtations, I have decided that Hey Hey means...I am a flirt, I like almost any girl who can dress herself well, has a pretty face, and most importantly has a body...and all I really want is to spoon with you, maybe make out, and then I will freak out and never talk to you again.
Maybe I should submit my definition to the Urban Dictionary...
So, beware my good friends of the friendly Hey might have a good looking, "friendly" boy heading your way...
p.s. if he mentions spoon on the first date, as in spooning, big spoon, little spoon etc. You might want to consider it the last date, because he probably is not talking about the band...

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